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Female, 27, Australia

Karen, lifelong stutterer. Stutters to up to 90% of her words. Repeats, blocks, silences and grimaces. First coaching session. Learning to use some Crutches for Feared First Words and her Speech Plan.


Female, 41, USA

Zina, stuttering all her life, to up to 70% of her words, mainly blocks and repeats. She’s a fast speaker too. Second coaching session. Exaggerate your Speech Plan in order to use it effectively. The importance of controlling our thoughts and rejecting negative ones immediately.


Female, Ethiopia

Ariane. Stutter age 4 to 70% of words in one-third of conversations, mostly repetitions. All about linking words.


Female, 41, USA

Zina, stuttering all her life, to up to 70% of her words, mainly blocks and repeats. She’s a fast speaker too. First coaching session. The importance of rejecting negative thoughts. Preparing a Speech Plan for her to use all the time. Learning to use Crutch 4 for individual words.


Female, Ethiopia

Stutter age 4 to 70% of words in one-third of conversations, mostly repetitions. Beating repetitions.


Female, 33, Ireland

Yuying is a PWS from Ireland. She started to stutter around the age of 5 to 20 to 30% of the words. In this session we drilled on C10,4 and short increments.


Female, 33, Ireland

Yuying is a PWS from Ireland. She started to stutter around the age of 5 to 20 to 30% of the words. In this session we drilled on C5,6 and 8.


Female, 33, Ireland

Yuying is a PWS from Ireland. She started to stutter around the age of 5 to 20% of the words. Her stuttering is situational and gets worse under pressure. She has first feared word problem so we drilled on C1 and C9 in today’s session.


Female, 27, Morocco

Fatoumata, 27, has done fast repeats in 90% of her conversations, mostly on the first few words. Two of her siblings stutter but do not live with her now. We hold first syllables/words and use a Speech Plan. Her Speech Plan is Slow-Short-Stop. We discuss and drill each. When she forgets to think her Speech […]


Female, 27, Morocco

Fatoumata, 27, has done fast repeats in 90% of her conversations, mostly on the first few words. Two of her siblings stutter but do not live with her now. No bad incidents since mid-August. Urge speaking slowly and hold threatened repeats. PSP for school: Short-Slow-Link-Stop. We drill C-4, 8 and 1 re FFW’s. Good example […]

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image