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Female, 40, USA

Sue, 40, stuttering since 3rd grade on up to 50% of her words, mainly repeats. Situational stutterer. Drilling several Crutches.


Male, 21, USA

Jordan, 21, stuttering since age 12 up to 95% of his words. Used to be a severe stutterer. Focusing on passion to avoid struggling with words.


Male, 36, USA

Sumit, 36, stuttering since highschool up to 50% of his words, mainly blocks and silences. Covert stutterer. Speech anxiety is his main problem. Mastering his Speech Plan and some Crutches.


Female, 40, USA

Sue, 40, stuttering since 3rd grade on up to 50% of her words, mainly repeats. Situational stutterer. First coaching session. Learning the Emergency Speech Plan and some Crutches for Feared First Words.


Male, 24, Mexico

Clay, 25, PWSS, used to be a mild stutterer. Stuttering for as long as he remembers, on up to 80% of his words. Speech Plan to stop planning words.


Male, 21, USA

Jordan, 21, stuttering since age 12 up to 95% of his words. Used to be a severe stutterer. Practicing Crutches 1, 4 and 8.


Male, 36, USA

Yusuke, 36. Stuttering since a very early age, mainly blocks and silences. Covert stutterer. Drilling C-1-8 and 11.


Male, 21, USA

Jordan, 21, stuttering since age 12 up to 95% of his words. Used to be a severe stutterer. Drilling Crutches for FFW. Stopping having bad incidents is a must in order to become a PWSS.


Male, 51, USA

Rajmohan, 51, stuttering since age 6 to up to 50% of his words, mainly blocks. Linking in very short increments to avoid planning words and choppy speech.


Male, 36, USA

Sumit, 36, stuttering since highschool up to 50% of his words, mainly blocks and silences. Speaking in short increments to not think words.

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image